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Bulletin for November 4, 2023

Welcome      Pastor Fredy Reinosa


Worship in Singing    Cherish Barayuga, Thea Cruz, Katherine Zarate

Hymn   #580, “This Little Light of Mine”  

Children’s Story    Sofia Eyassu

Worship in Giving  Our Church Budget   Sebastian Ruiz

Garden of Prayer    Ed Bradley

Scripture    Matthew 25:40    Kylon Williams

Special Music    Chris & Ira Ellison

Sermon    “It Takes A Village”  Stoneham Adventist Community Service

Benediction        Pastor Fredy

Organist: Cris Coconcea
Deacon Team Leader: Brad Tait
Greeters: Bohnn & Jane Barayuga
Worship Coordinator: Andrews Group

Organist: Ted Wilson
Deacon Team Leader: Deborah Donnelly
Greeters: Ruby & Thea Cruz
Worship Coordinator: Barren Group