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Bulletin for June 1, 2024

Organ Prelude: J S Bach (1685-1750) Organ Choral “Adorn yourself, O dear soul with gladness,”
Welcome   John Valentin
Medical Minute Video
Worship in Singing   Glau Barren
Hymn #322, “Nothing Between” Congregation
Children’s Story   Ed Bradley
Worship in Giving Our Church Budget Lilla Székely
Garden of Prayer #671 As We Come to You in Prayer John Valentin
Scripture Judges 16: 28-30 Larysa Budzinski
Special Music   Lisette Quispe
Sermon  The Religion of the Day  Pastor Glasgow
Hymn #330, “Take My Life and Let It Be” Congregation
Benediction   Pastor Glasgow
Organ Postlude: J S Bach (1685-1750) Prelude in G Major, BWV 541

Organist: Cris Coconcea
Deacon Team Leader: Deborah Donnelly
Greeters: Chris & Ira Ellison
Worship Coordinator: Barren Group

Organist: Ted Wilson
Deacon Team Leader: Brad Tait
Greeters: Earle & Susan Andrews
Worship Coordinator: Women’s Ministry Group