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Work Bee

Stoneham Memorial Church 29 MAPLE STREET, STONEHAM

Work Bee – Join us from 9am-12pm for raking leaves at the church and pantry, and staining/waxing our pews. Bring rakes, old rags, wear old clothes and bring your best attitude!! 

Thanksgiving Potluck & Game Night

Stoneham Memorial Church 29 MAPLE STREET, STONEHAM

Join us for Thanksgiving Potluck and game night at 6pm. We encourage everyone to bring fall/Thanksgiving theme food and desserts.  

Cliff Island (ME) Day

Cliff Island Maine Day – For information Please see Peter Connelly or call the church office. Arrive at the Casco Bay Lines Ferry Terminal, Portland, ME by 9:30 AM to get on the Cliff Island Ferry Welcome Peter Connelly Worship in Singing Anthony, Jonathan & Sebastian Hymn #294, “Power in the Blood” Congregation Worship in…