Work Bee
Stoneham Memorial Church 29 MAPLE STREET, STONEHAMWork Bee – Join us from 9am-12pm for raking leaves at the church and pantry, and staining/waxing our pews. Bring rakes, old rags, wear old clothes and bring your best attitude!!
Work Bee – Join us from 9am-12pm for raking leaves at the church and pantry, and staining/waxing our pews. Bring rakes, old rags, wear old clothes and bring your best attitude!!
Join us for Thanksgiving Potluck and game night at 6pm. We encourage everyone to bring fall/Thanksgiving theme food and desserts.
Cliff Island Maine Day – For information Please see Peter Connelly or call the church office. Arrive at the Casco Bay Lines Ferry Terminal, Portland, ME by 9:30 AM to get on the Cliff Island Ferry Welcome Peter Connelly Worship in Singing Anthony, Jonathan & Sebastian Hymn #294, “Power in the Blood” Congregation Worship in…