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Online Giving

“In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth.” Genesis 1:1. The Bible begins by telling us who owns the universe. it is amazing that God created something out of nothing. Only God can do that! God asked us to trust Him with the resources that He has provided by returning a faithful tithe and offering.

Faithful stewardship is a small undertaking, yet demonstrates powerful evidence that we acknowledge God’s sovereignty. By returning Tithes and giving Offerings we declare God’s Lordship over our lives and further the proclamation of His gospel. So also we support and grow His church.

Give Online

By clicking on the link above you will be directed to Follow the “Registration” instructions by entering your full name and secure e-mail address. Once registered you will be e-mailed instructions on setting your password and logging in to give. It’s that easy!

While the Bible makes it clear that tithe is always a 10% return of what already belongs to God, offering is considered a separate free-will gift. If you’re not sure how much to give, you might prayerfully consider one of the following levels of commitment going forward:

  • Moses’ 70 (Numbers 11) = 70 givers who will give 10 + 10 (10% Tithe and 10% Local Church Budget)
  • Gideon’s 300 (Judges 7) = 300 givers who will give Tithe + $70 or more a month in Local Church Budget
  • Widow’s Mites (Luke 21) = All givers who give Tithe plus anything monthly to Local Church Budget

Your generous commitment helps add gospel workers around the world (Tithe) and helps cover our needs as we continue to serve the Greater Boston communities.