Welcome Sharon Wilson Worship in Singing Sharon Wilson Hymn #214, “We Have This Hope” Congregation Personal Ministries Children’s Story Tabitha…
Bulletin for November 11, 2022
Welcome Pastor Fredy Reinosa
Worship in Singing Mirriam Mananah
Hymn #1, “Praise to the Lord”
Children’s Story Carol Smith
Worship in Giving World Budget/Annual Sacrifice Cherish Barayuga
Scripture John 17:20-23 Mary Curren
Pastoral Prayer Coleen Caster
Special Music Gabriela Scarone
Sermon “United We Stand” Pastor Fredy
Hymn #495, “Near to the Heart of God”
Benediction Pastor Fredy
Organist: Cris Coconcea
Deacon Team Leader: Deborah Donnelly
Greeters: Eliane Moore & Ed Bradley
Worship Coordinator: Eyassu Group
Organist: Ted Wilson
Deacon Team Leader: Bohnn Barayuga
Greeters: Jane & Bohnn Barayuga
Worship Coordinator: GBA Group