Welcome Sharon Wilson Worship in Singing Sharon Wilson Hymn #214, “We Have This Hope” Congregation Personal Ministries Children’s Story Tabitha…
Bulletin for June 3, 2023
Organ Prelude: Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750): Organ Chorales BWV 672-674
Welcome Kalon Ho
Health Minute Video
Worship in Singing Glau Barren
Hymn #1, “Praise to the Lord”
Children’s Story Ekin Simwatachela
Worship in Giving Our Church Budget Elvert Bodden
Garden of Prayer Kalon Ho
Scripture Acts 26:16 Larysa Budzinski
Special Music The Barren’s & Reinosa’s
Sermon “A Vision From Heaven” Pastor Fredy
Hymn “#457, “I Love to Tell the Story”
Benediction Pastor Fredy
Organ Postlude: Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750): Organ Chorale BWV 680
Organist: Cris Coconcea
Deacon Team Leader: Anel Badeau
Greeters: Earle & Susan Andrews
Worship Coordinator: Barren Group
Organist: Cris Coconcea
Deacon Team Leader: Deborah Donnelly
Greeters: Earle & Susan Andrews
Worship Coordinator: Zarate Group