Welcome Sharon Wilson Worship in Singing Sharon Wilson Hymn #214, “We Have This Hope” Congregation Personal Ministries Children’s Story Tabitha…
Bulletin for February 12, 2022
Welcome Pastor Fredy Reinosa
Worship in Singing Susan Andrews
Hymn #183 “I Will Sing of Jesus’ Love”
Children’s Story Katherine Zarate
Worship in Giving World Budget Earle Andrews
Scripture Ephesians 3:17-19 Winston Llewelyn
Prayer Winston Llewelyn
Special Music Oscar Hinojosa Jr.
Sermon “Deep and Wide” Pastor Fredy
Hymn “#198, “And Can It Be?”
Benediction Pastor Fredy
Elder: Kalon Ho
Organist: Cris Coconcea
Deacon Team Leader: Bohnn Barayuga
Greeters: Ed Bradley
Worship Coordinator: Andrews Group
Elder: John Valentin
Organist: Ted Wilson
Deacon Team Leader: Brad Tait
Greeters: Ed Bradley
Worship Coordinator: GBA Group