Welcome Sharon Wilson Worship in Singing Sharon Wilson Hymn #214, “We Have This Hope” Congregation Personal Ministries Children’s Story Tabitha…
Bulletin for December 3, 2022
Welcome John Valentin
Worship in Singing Susan Andrews
Hymn #137, “We Three Kings”
Children’s Story Brad Tait
Worship in Giving Our Church Budget Fred Christiansen
Scripture Hebrews 2:14-18 Earle Andrews
Pastoral Prayer Kalon Ho
Special Music Llewelyn/Madden Group
Sermon “Born To Die” Bertrand Pryce
Hymn #140, “Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne”
Benediction Bertrand Pryce
Organist: Cris Coconcea
Deacon Team Leader: Brad Tait
Greeters: Sofia Eyassu & Cynthia Bradley
Worship Coordinator: Andrews Group
Organist: Ted Wilson
Deacon Team Leader: Deborah Donnelly
Greeters: TBD
Worship Coordinator: Barren Group