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Building for All People

“For My house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples.” Isaiah 56:7

Through God’s blessings the future is bright at Stoneham Memorial Church. The ministry of our church is teaching others about Jesus and preparing everyone for life with God. However, our building can be a barrier for members and visitors alike.

By making a commitment our church will become accessible and more inviting to all who pass through its doors, regardless of physical ability.  As we allow God’s generosity to flow through us, we move forward by faith. Please prayerfully consider how you can join your church family in making this a Building for All People.

To pledge online click the link below and you will be directed to, Follow the “Registration” instructions by entering your full name and secure e-mail address. Once registered you will be e-mailed instructions on setting your password and logging in to give. It’s that easy!

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No matter the size of your gift, your participation is important to the success of this project. Stepping out together in faith, we can make this a building fo all people.