Stoneham Adventist Community Services
At Stoneham Adventist Community Services our goal is to minister to the needs of our community by providing food and clothing along with a compassionate loving desire to see our clients empowered to share these same principles with others. SCAS…
An important ministry of the church in which the child/parent relationship is strengthened through activities that further the development of Spirit, Soul and Body. Grades 1 – 4 Adventurers meet every other Saturday at 2pm in Moore Fellowship Hall downstairs.…
Greater Boston Academy
For over 100 years, GBA has been a part of the important task of educating young people for usefulness in this world and the next. At the heart of this endeavor is the Spiritual development of every student, grades Pre-school…
Solid Rock Cafe
Come join us every third Friday of the month as we kick back in a casual setting to share food, fellowship, music and testimony – to pray to our God and to encourage each other.
Bible Study
Wednesday Night Connect and Study. We are temporarily meeting via Zoom (and phone) at 7pm which then is being posted to our YouTube page. --- Wednesday Night Bible Study is a ministry designed to encourage adults to go deeper into…
Fellowship Meal
On the First and Third Sabbath of each month, we invite you to join us to share a meal and to make new friends and encourage one another.